Securing peace (within)


“Threaten, no more…”

(From Metallicaʻs Donʻt tread on me )

For weeks I have been trying to figure out what I wanted to write about, and it has been in front of me this whole time.


Not the sort on the outside, but the sort on the inside, because to want the sort on the outside, if you are one of those professional type weirdos like myself – you will automatically, even though we are taught not to think in terms of “what if” in the negative….you will automatically think “I Want Peace” but in reality, the majority of us, even us weirdos, are thinking that we “do not want war.”

And well, while we are thinking the thoughts that we do not want nuclear this or that, and while we are thinking that on the massive scale we want to not have to deal with the things that scare the shit out of us all more than we want to admit….what we are doing in wanting peace and wanting to see things be absolutely our way…we are inviting war.

“To Secure Peace is to Prepare for War” (Metallicaʻs Donʻt tread on me)

We want peace, but on the global level. What we are not understanding is that if we want peace in the outer world, our inner worlds must match that desire. There is nothing that I cannot teach other people about the Law of Attraction, as much as there is nothing that I Am able to teach others about how to let go and let life flow – that is not how they were brought up. None of us were.

We were brought up to obey, and if we did not obey, we paid, severely, and some of us for the balance of our lives – even me.

No one can say different.

Evidence is that here we are, the very all of us, and there are some of us who want to blow the shit out of other people who disagree with our opinion, and then there are those of us who, completely opposite of that, want us to believe that their efforts towards garnering attention to their own causes are somehow not the same thing that they were, just one year ago today. And that is what EVERYONE, it seems, is forgetting – that one year ago, we were doing the same things that we are now, and for the very life of us, we are getting nothing done OTHER than making a bunch of noise about it.

Which is exactly the plan, I believe, in terms of the powers that be. It is NOT that they want peace, but that they know we already are aware that that is not what they are trying to have here for us all. They want us afraid, and they want us to not have anything to think about or have OTHER than the collective permeating fear that we are all experiencing, right this time in our lives.

Iʻm no peacenik, by any means, but, we are at the level of …ridiculousness….on a grand, global and very public scale, and all because the truth is NOT that we are being ordered around by a bunch of frat boys but that we are doing their jobs for them – we are, ourselves, by their prompt, creating this horrific division between us. We are making it easy for them, as well, because here in this country, most of us state that we have rights, but, when it comes to practicing them and yeah – respecting them in terms of the rights of other people, even those not here legally yet….we are sorely lacking in that energy called Empathy.


I Am, as I tell people, as other people tell people, one of those professional type weirdos. I read cards, birth charts, and sometimes I am even able ,when the “thought” will not leave me, to tell others that they need to collect themselves, because they are about to go through a whole LOT of changes, and if they are ill prepared, then they are going to feel every bit of those changes (and their Ego- selves will make certain that they suffer for a long, long time….donʻt believe me? Email me and I will tell you how to deal with it). I KNOW when someone is going to go through a LOT of change – and in my own world, this has happened more often than not in the lives of the men who I consider family.

What happens when they are not as prepared as I know I tell them to be (and who could be, given some of the things that I have seen, particularly in the lives of men, over the last 6 years? …please, keep reading) is that they end up going through the emotional part of it and this, I have found, from the biological sense, makes a huge, sometimes detrimental difference.

The reason that I wrote that about men is because between the sexes, men are the ones who need the evidence in front of their eyes, the proof, if you will, that everything is as it ought to be. They do not have that. What they have, in my opinion, is a whole hell of a lot of reasons to get their thoughts together to see how they really feel about anything, only to be given yet one more fight, which is the global fight, for equality, and they donʻt even realize it. They are angry but not enough to shake things up more than those in power are doing. Collectively, the men do NOT want to be blamed for any of this mess, either, and are as helpless as we women are to do anything about other than on a personal level.

This scares them. I know this. I have been told things that would make this a true statement. When they are trying to be heroes, and the world keep slinging shit at them, they have no idea what to do other than sling shit right back. And the worst part is that now, we women are also shit-slinginʻ too….and we say we want peace.

Stop saying it.

Stop adding to this shit.

It isnʻt okay and neither are we- no, not just the women, but ALL OF US.

Right now, everything is NOT as it should  be, because if it were, we would not be in this …global….energy of crisis. Thus far, the things that have happened and keep happening are not happening because of what we are being told. It is bigger than that. What we are watching is the culmination of generations of hatred, of ignorance, of the things that we told, on the surface, we were all about but beneath roiled this energy of people just not wanting to see eye to eye, for whatever reason it is that anyone has.

Frankly, I am tired of it.

What we are not seeing is that the Empathic energies that we have had soured, and those of us who work in the healing trades, whether it is conventional or traditional – we are all saying the same thing: How the hell are we gonna fix this shit?

Fix This Shit

…yeah…I know….


That, I donʻt know.  A small part of me tells me that this is all due and even meant, for no other reason than to see where we are, for real, in terms of the soul. Apparently, we are not wherever it is that we need to be, as a whole, because of the things that are happening on the global level.

And the rest of the world is blaming us – all of us, for all of this garbage, as though we here in this country have no souls. There are people who have turned a blind eye to the violence, wanting the attention placed on their own leanings and never minding that there has been a massive loss of life in this country just in the last year alone. For there to be a vocally charged, violent mass of people, still, who are supporting the efforts towards violence, and perpetuating it, whether physically or in cyberspace, we are, at this time, a nation under duress, a nation who is locked in the grip of turmoil and we are being told by those in power that we are helpless to do a thing about it.

I have a difference of opinion.

Call me what you want to, even very Polly Ana, but, the reality is that we are no longer able, unless we are willing to change our real thoughts to conform to that of the larger mass of people who want war, because they want to ….stay empowered, through the bullying, through the collective that is paying their way into the laws and paying for things that are of a human, rather than a capitalistic nature, where it is that we, as people and creatures of the human sort….where it is that life is being threatened, however it is threatened is where we need the most energy.

Of course, when we are talking about life, we are being told that the lives and the opinions of the womenfolk is just the whiny, “powder room banter” – yeah, I actually heard that shit, at school, even, out of the mouths of a gentleman who appeared to be at least my dadʻs age….but this is where this all comes from, I find.

This whole…inequality thing…back in the spotlight. People are thinking that it is just the women, but it is not. People are thinking that it is just the poor, but it is not. People thinking that it is anything other than what is not being told to us, that we so very well know is the truth – THAT is what these people in high office are trying to do, and folks like me…those who work in the weird…stand by, watching, ourselves trying hard not to involve ourselves in the energies that are tearing us apart. It is difficult, this human thing, this thing called behaving in a manner that is of a higher sort.

I may not have been doing that the last couple of days, but, caught myself and thought to myself that what a great place it would be, this world, if we were able to harness just the energies of the people who are not for or against anything OTHER than peace, than our using this time in our lives as being the building blocks of the future that is being built right now in this moment. No, not with this writing, but, with the thought in our heads that that which is old, tired, and ruinous must be seen to and rebuilt so that everything that we see in our lives that needs to be made new can be made that way.

The thing that we who work in the weird forget about is that we are the masters of thought and what we can do with those thoughts. This is not my stating that I am any more empowered by what my mind is able to do (because yours can do the same thing) but that there are a whole lot of us on this planet who are workers of the Divine Light, and by right of this much alone, we have the ability to at least help to awaken the masses, not to what is right in front of us, but, what is not being said, seen, or shown to us.

We can stop this madness…we can…but, we have to believe that there is a better way and unfortunately, there are not a lot of us on this planet able to just do things like this. I am not one of those people who can just do things…just like that….without doubting myself, without feeling like I am going fail but there is no failure in trying, namely when it is that we are here for the purpose of Love, and we are here on a mission, and none of it includes all of this hatred, and hatred that we are not aware of because we…a lot of it “strength” and if this is strength then I am not interested in knowing what collectively is our weakness.

When we have a handle on those things that we call our weaknesses we end up figuring out that we were more confused than unable to do anything to change things. We have been told, for the entirety of our collective lives, all of us, that we are not as strong or smart or important than truly, we are, and no, I am not talking about the women on the planet, neither only the men, but ALL OF US.


All of us are guilty as sin this time – even the workers in the weird. No one is going to tell me differently, because the proof is all over the web – we are haters, all of us, and we have been taught to see what is different between us rather than what is the same. We have been told who we are and then made to fight for who we are told we are not.

And this is the way that the masses have been controlled, forever now – through the fear of being singled out, of not being the same, and mostly, of not being accepted into the groups we so cherish, such as our families and the networks of friends and colleagues that perhaps for years, we were very close with, only to have this last year of this circus of arrogance and its prideful tactics being very much the people who want us to believe, still, that this is the way that it is meant to be and that this is how it is going to be.

I cannot be this way anymore.

Our forefathers and foremothers did not envision this crap, even though they, themselves, also went through it.

This is just the same fight at a different time in history. The fun part is that we have the blueprint – it is called actual history. We can go back in time to see where it is that we have been, where we ought to not be now, and we can see where it is that we are repeating the same mistakes.

We do not have to make things pretty – that is the reason why we are in this mess to begin with, because we thought that the things that were in place previously were not the things that addressed all of us. When it was that all of us were expected to make a choice and half of us chose to choose wisely, the other half of our collective of humans on this planet, by and large, chose to believe that the two sides would not…not could not but WOULD NOT see eye to eye.

This is the truth.

We have been MADE TO SEE what is NOT ALIKE, even though after a long, long time, it was not that we were being told that we are the same, but that we were uniquely different, the each of us, from one another, but that those differences were needed so that we would be able to learn ACCEPTANCE. Yet, for the most part, it appears that we have failed, if not the grander world at large, then our very broken and bruised selves.

Over the last two decades, we have borne witness to the things that broke us all the way down into the very deepest parts of our own souls, only to rise like the phoenix, our sights only trained on the end result. At this moment, the soul within me tells me that this is ably fixable, that we can do this, but we have to want it more than we want those who ….yeah…those who bully us….no matter who they are….to lose, whatever it is that we believe that they have to lose. This is not about winners or losers, and for sure it is not about saving face.

This is about our values, and our principles, and what it is that we want to leave behind for the generations which are already here and following our lead. We did a good job with our collective of kids. We cannot allow them to believe in anything other than what we have taught them all of their lives, and that is that we are responsible for our actions, no matter how small or large, and that what we do now impacts what happens later.

I do not know what it was that anyone was thinking that would impact the entirety of humanity with all of these antics where it appears and may well be the truth that those in power are a small number but they hold lots of what we need, which is our right to have our say and not believe that since we said something that irritates those in perceived power, that we will end up having more of our rights stripped of us.

And on the personal note, I am no longer open to debating these things in any social networking arena, for the simple fact that when I do, I am taking sides and well, the only side that I want to be on anymore is the one that brings healing to the masses, and not the side – either side – that perpetuates the inner ailment of fear and hopelessness. I just cannot do it anymore. It is not my way.

In fact, I am likening to assume that one year ago, none of us were thinking that we would be witnessing this madness of division at the global level.

People want to believe that evil has “won,” and I am of the mindset that it has merely revealed itself.

And always, no matter what, evil rarely prevails for very long…I suppose that the only thing that I am trying to state, in writing even, is that before we can have peace on the outside, we first and each must create peace within.

“As Above, So Below”… “As a man thinketh, so it is…” “That which ye reap, so shall ye sow…” and so on and so forth….

It all applies, no matter what your belief is.

Think about it.




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